
Pope Francis: Synodality belongs to the essence of the Church

The Synod represents nothing and no-one, least of all the Holy Spirit

Pope's reign of terror in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

German Bishops' Conference gives prize to anti-church propaganda

Prague Archbishop implicitly criticises Pope over Ukraine

Diocese supports voodoo-inspired skeleton parody of Virgin Mary

Vicar General contradicts Bishop on Synodal Path

Spanish bishop sharply criticises Synodal Path

Bishop believes Synodal Path breaks with Catholic Truth

Cardinal Marx awards Catholic media prize to "How God made us - Coming-out in the Catholic Church" documentary

Ecclesiastical and judicial corruption keeps Pope's friend out of jail for abuse

Modernism is the Church's only chance to survive

Cardinal seeks injunctions against canon lawyer and newspaper

New feminist liturgy- the Junia Service

Bianca Jagger tells silent Pope not to abandon his bishops and priests