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Synodal ecclesiology is an ecclesiology without Christ

The following interview shows what happens when the Church as the People of God is promoted at the expense of the Church as the Mystical Body of Christ.   Synod becomes a law unto itself without reference to Christ. The Venezuelan theologian Rafael Luciani is a Professor at the Andrés Bello Catholic University in Caracas (Venezuela). He is also an associate professor at Boston College (USA) and an advisor to the General Secretariat of the World Synod in the Vatican and the Latin American Bishops' Council CELAM. Luciani's research focuses on Christology, ecclesiology, Latin American theologies and the Second Vatican Council. Has the Pope removed the "hot topics" from the Synod's agenda by setting up ten study groups? Rafael Luciani does not believe so. In an interview with, the Synod advisor explains why the Church is in a transitional period and when reforms can be expected. Rafael Luciani is a Professor of Theology at the Catholic University Andrés

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