Archbishop promotes interfaith event instead of the Assumption

 Catholics in Panama have expressed their deep indignation and sadness at the recent initiative of Archbishop José Domingo Ulloa, who has launched an invitation to participate in the “Afternoon of the Temples,” an interfaith event that will take place on August 15, the day of the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.

This event has been organized in collaboration with leaders of various religious denominations, including the reformist Rabbi Gustavo Kraselnick, known for his public positions in favour of the LGBT community.

The “Afternoon of the Temples,” which seeks to promote respect and understanding between different religions, has been harshly criticized by members of the Catholic community, who see in this activity a lack of respect towards one of the most important feasts of the Church, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The activity invites participants to visit temples of various denominations, some of which are known for their contempt towards the figure of the Virgin Mary, which has generated even more controversy.

For many faithful, the fact that this event is celebrated on the same date as the Solemnity of the Assumption, as well as the anniversary of the founding of Panama City, originally named in honor of Our Lady of the Assumption, is a direct affront to Catholic traditions. Critics accuse Archbishop Ulloa of promoting religious syncretism and distorting the Catholic faith by encouraging the faithful to participate in activities in temples that advocate beliefs contrary to the teachings of the Church.

Furthermore, discontent with Archbishop Ulloa is not limited to this event. He is accused of allowing and encouraging questionable liturgical practices in the churches under his jurisdiction, such as the participation of women at the altar, communion in the hand, and the celebration of masses with cultural elements that some consider inappropriate. These practices, according to critics, are signs of a decline in reverence and respect for the sacred traditions of the Church.

The decision to promote an interfaith event on such a significant day for Catholics has left many perplexed and concerned about the direction the Church in Panama is taking under Archbishop Ulloa. The tension between preserving Catholic traditions and openness to other religions has become a flashpoint of debate, leaving the Catholic community divided and questioning ecclesiastical leadership in the country.

