
Showing posts with the label latin mass

Pope will take his hatred of traditionalists to the grave. "Hope", his ironically titled hate-filled autobiography.

Hawks and doves fight over Latin Mass

Anti-Latin Mass ideologist: “Liturgy must never become an ideology”

2023 review of the development of traditional liturgy

Yet more marginalisation, stereotyping and scapegoating of traditionalism. Traditionalism as a vast right-wing conspiracy.

The Mass which the French Revolutionaries tried to the prevent the Saint Curé of Ars from saying, now banned in his sanctuary

Attending traditional Mass is forbidden in the home of the Patron Saint of Parish Priests

Bishop has forced Latin Mass onto the street

Bishop: "Between the old Mass and the new Mass, the difference is between heaven and earth"

The total failure of Traditionis Custodes to suppress the Latin Mass

Shambolic state of post-Conciliar Catholicism. No point in the spirituality of the present, we are all indietrists now!

Brilliant response to priest who wants to introduce new rite on Chartres Pilgrimage

Priest wants Chartres Pilgrimage to accept Ordinary Form which killed his own pilgrimage

Traditionalism will never be defeated

Church cat thinks she can play games with the traditional mouse. Time for this to stop once and for all.