
Showing posts with the label Father Rupnik

Pope cannot even bring peace to his own Diocese of Rome. Is he at war with his Diocese over Rupnik?

Cardinal Fernández knows of cases worse than the Rupnik case. More excuses for judicial delaying tactics.

Very good summary of the Rupnik scandal that will blacken forever the name of Pope Francis when history is written.

"Father always had two nuns with him". Rupnik was already cause of comment 30 years ago. Family and home town respond to allegations.

"The Colour of Love", the Art of Mercy by scandalous artist protected by Pope Francis

Rupnik case: three new complaints, to add to the two which the Vatican already knows about

Shocking new abuse accusations against Papal favourite Rupnik

Loyola Community founded by Rupnik dissolved on order of Vatican.

Rupnik case press release: now the facts, just words are not enough. Rupnik trial must not be transformed into a trial for the victims.

Jesuits say they warned diocese that incardinated him about complaints against Father Rupnik

Papal Commission wanted to meet with Rupnik victims, but they refused because of the conditions laid down

Details of how the Pope's hand was forced on the Rupnik case, with the help of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors

France shows how Rupnik works should be treated as they take down the windows of Father Ribes, "The Picasso of Churches"