
European Synod in Prague ends with provisional final paper

Conference Hall Mass at the Synodal Path meeting in Prague

Feast of Saint Alto of Altomünster

Bishop Wilmer against demolition of Church of Expiation near Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

Feast of Saint John of Matha

A reminder for the Pope. He is in a fight with Pope Saint Pius V.

Cardinal Ouellet recalls Church to Catholic teaching and is immediately criticised by Synod participant

Memorial of Blessed Pope Pius IX

The Vatican orders an Apostolic Visit for the Diocese of Fréjus-Toulon

Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis blasts Synodalists!

Fellow-bishop wrote malicious obituary about Archbishop Gänswein

German bishop based in Peru stereotypes conservatives as "clericalists"

German subversion of intent of Vatican letter

Feast of Saint Dorothy of Caesaria

Spirit of Vatican II but no longer burdened by sin

European phrase of the Synod opens

Pope Francis accuses his critics of instrumentalising the death of his predecessor

Modern art monstrosity in Catholic Church

Pack of Cards Mass

Cardinal Napier slams Father Martin and Cardinal McElroy