Modern art monstrosity in Catholic Church


From 2018

The Catholic Parish of Bonaventura in Lennep is 150 years old. The anniversary will be celebrated on Sunday, 9 September, with a festive service. Until then, the pews will be moved out and the inside of the church will be experienced in a completely new way and in different contexts: artists and groups are invited to experience the power of the place in a new way, each in their own way, and to enrich the parish artistically in a sustainable way. The wide, empty space is intended to inspire contemplation, meditation and wonder. The space will be transformed almost daily, promises theatre director and cultural project developer Ansy Dino Iussa from Wuppertal: yesterday afternoon he opened the exhibition "The Feather Maker's Wife" by Cologne artist Detlef Bach. He presents an unusual tower installation made of wallpaper tables. On them are pictures that tell ever new surreal stories. The installation is complemented by a sound collage by Andy Dino Iussa, which unfortunately was turned down too low at the opening and therefore could not be heard (Cathcon: what a tragedy). The Waterbölles has therefore taken the liberty of underlaying its video "round trip" around the tower installation set up in the middle of the nave with music from the internet.


Farmer Carolyn said…
Absolutely sac religious and disgusting. It would appear German Catholics have lost their minds