
Second Vatican Council finally produces Worst Altar in World

Head of German Bishops calls Pope's church leadership "extremely questionable"

Feast of Saint John Chrysotom

New President for Vatican Diplomatic School

Cardinal Kasper accuses German church of "lazy trickery"

Pope Benedict explains why he abdicated in new letter

Feast of Saint Polycarp who has a message for the Pope and the Church

Vatican investigates Family of Mary

Severe reprimand from the Vatican for the Church in Germany

Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul

New interview with Cardinal Müller on the current state of the Church

The biggest outing in the history of the Catholic Church

Feast of Saint Peter Thomas of the Order of Carmel

In 2008, the Archdiocese of Vienna gave a home-grown firework display of scandals

Controversial artist is given a guided tour of Vienna's St Stephen's Cathedral in 2008

Cardinal Re, Dean of the College of Cardinals horrified by the prospect of Bishop Wilmer heading the CDF