
Archbishop Marini on the Latin Mass

One of Britain’s leading theologians

Puppet and Mass

The day will come

Carnival visitors no longer welcome

Catholics becoming a minority in Austria

No-one can seriously suggest

Feast of St Gilbert of Sempringham

A blow to any English Catholic heart

Vatican toughens up the journey to sainthood.

Money preaches in Protestant Church

Battle for the future of German Catholicism

Messing with the Mass:

Goodnight Canterbury, Good Morning Brussels

The one true Fold of the Redeemer

Is Brussels worth a Mass?

Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord in the Temple and the Purification of Our Lady

Big thanks to Cathcon readers

Berlin Catholic Youth- Searchlight Mass

At least it is not during Mass

Dancing from a Mass in America.

God bless the Pope

No man can serve two masters

Feast of St Ignatius

Cathcon is back


Private Mass of the Pope

Oh, what a circus, Oh what a show!

Churches face uncertain future

Local Priest Turns To Magic

A Wellness Convent

Protestant bishop against ecumenical borders

The Dominican Order censures three of its theologians in the Netherlands