One of Britain’s leading theologians

has broken ranks with the ecumenical establishment by calling for Catholics to convert non-Catholics.

Fr Aidan Nichols, the English theologian most closely associated with the thinking of Benedict XVI, has appealed for England to be “re-made” as a Catholic country.

He set out his radical and comprehensive programme for Catholic renewal in a new book entitled The Realm: An Unfashionable Essay on the Conversion of England, published by Family Publications.


He admits that the conversion of England is “an absolutely colossal agenda”, adding: “It can only be brought into being, so far as it depends on us to do so, by a coordinated strategy for recreating a full-blooded catholicity with the power to... transform a culture in all its principal dimensions.


Fr Aidan Nichols's plan for renewal:

Firmer doctrine in our teaching and preaching
Re-enchant the liturgy
Recover the insights of metaphysics
Renew Christian political thought
Revive family life
Resacralise art and architecture
Put a new emphasis on monastic life
Strengthen pro-life rhetoric
Recover a Catholic reading of the Bible

Here is a man whose Faith beats in his heart, as it did in the heart of the the Custos of the Capuchin Mission in England in 1701, when he said,

O England, dear to God, once thou wert happy and holy, that thou be again as thou wert, such is the burden of our prayers.

Anglia cara Deo, felix et sancta fuisti, sis modo qualis eras, sic pia vota petunt.

Anyone got other suggestions/ additions for the plan?
