Is Brussels worth a Mass?

From within the Babylonian Tower comes concern about the real motives for the Blair conversion.

"All of which raises the intriguing possibility that Blair might end up standing, not as the Socialist candidate, but as the EPP (the Christian Democrat grouping) candidate. His recent conversion won’t have done him any harm. Many Continental socialist parties remain anti-clerical at heart, whereas many of the EPP member parties have, or at least recently had, a confessional base. Bruxelles vaut bien une messe."

Realising there was no prospect of a Protestant king succeeding in fanatically Catholic Paris, Henry of Navarre reputedly uttered the famous phrase Paris vaut bien une messe (Paris is well worth a mass). He was formally received into the Roman Catholic Church in 1593 and was crowned at Chartres in 1594.

Oh that modern Brussels was as committed to Catholicism, as Paris in the sixtenth century!


Ttony said…
I still wonder if the act of conversion came as soon after resignation as PM as possible, in order to do it on MO'C's watch. Who knows who might come next ...