
German bishop warns against making a condom taboo

40th Anniversary of Humanae Vitae

Pope will wear Cross

Bishop of Linz fighting for his ecclesiastical life

Cardinal Hoyos speaks on the Williamson affair

Jewish pressure for the Pope to lay aside the Cross

He treads the wine press alone

Benedictine Abbot Primate- condoms not a solution against AIDS

St Bernard protects the Abbey of Bornem

Cardinal Medina- a homosexual cannot raise his children

Feast of St Patrick

Statement of Bishop of Linz

Pope says no to pseudo-clerical laity

Secret meetings of unfaithful priests

Bishop of Linz lets priest with girlfriend off the hook. but for how long?

Diocese of Linz must apply Vatican II

Auschwitz Survivor visits SSPX school

Bishop of Linz knew of two other cases of priests with girlfriends

Lets close all the Churches

Bureaucrats all

Consecration- this is My Body and Blood

Collective Apostasy

Pope to visit Rome Synagogue

Pope to visit UK

Two great prayers of Christendom