Is this Cardinal Meisner's and the former Pope's candidate for the Papacy?
Cardinal Woelki As young priest
A few days ago Cardinal Meisner was speculating that it would be good for a man as young as 45 to be Pope. The youngest Cardinal happens to be 55 and formerly an Auxiliary Bishop in the Cardinal's Archdiocese of Cologne. Step forward Cardinal Woelki (55), seen above at his introduction to the See of Berlin, at which none other than Cardinal Meisner preached. Cardinal Marx of Munich is also to be seen concelebrating. It is not too much a leap to see the hand of Cardinal Meisner in the early promotion and indeed the red hat for Cardinal Woelki.
In the sermon, Cardinal Meisner talks about "spiritual solidarity" and "our Archbishop Rainer" in the sermon, but most tellingly in a passage about maintaining communications between Berlin and Cologne, the Cardinal says, "Berlin is worth a journey", a play on the old phrase, "Rome is worth the journey".
Given the known closeness of the Pope Emeritus and Cardinal Meisner, it is not impossible that Cardinal Woelki is, at least, one of the preferred candidates of the Pope Emeritus. The Pope Emeritus, given the grounds for his renunciation would put a premium on youth and vigour. Unfortunately, despite the Mass above, Cardinal Woelki appears to be a liberal dressed in conservative clothing, a type which have brought the Church low since the Council. See especially the equation of homosexual and heterosexual relationships, provided they are loving. See also here.
A long Papacy by Cardinal Woelki would have, from the viewpoint of the Pope Emeritus, the advantage of establishing the reception of Vatican II by the Church, to which he has such a deep emotional commitment as he was there. Indeed, he was responsible for much of the mischief, as a speech he wrote for Cardinal Frings was a turning point of the Council, breaking the power of the Curia. The Pope has even gone as far to use the acceptance of this single Council, over against all the others, as a litmus test of orthodoxy in his dealings with the SSPX.
Circumstantial evidence for this is provided also by the timing. Another few months and Cardinal Meisner would no longer be a Cardinal Elector and would have diminishing influence on a future Conclave with every month that passed, especially if he himself departs from Cologne.
One thing for sure, Cardinal Woelki is not going to be Cardinal Bertone's candidate after Cardinal Meisner's recent outburst in which he declared that he begged the Pope to sack Cardinal Bertone.
If this comes to pass, the Rhine will indeed have flowed into the Tiber and will do so for a very long time to come. Indeed, dear God protect your Church if you want to make Cardinal Meisner's candidate Pope
A few days ago Cardinal Meisner was speculating that it would be good for a man as young as 45 to be Pope. The youngest Cardinal happens to be 55 and formerly an Auxiliary Bishop in the Cardinal's Archdiocese of Cologne. Step forward Cardinal Woelki (55), seen above at his introduction to the See of Berlin, at which none other than Cardinal Meisner preached. Cardinal Marx of Munich is also to be seen concelebrating. It is not too much a leap to see the hand of Cardinal Meisner in the early promotion and indeed the red hat for Cardinal Woelki.
In the sermon, Cardinal Meisner talks about "spiritual solidarity" and "our Archbishop Rainer" in the sermon, but most tellingly in a passage about maintaining communications between Berlin and Cologne, the Cardinal says, "Berlin is worth a journey", a play on the old phrase, "Rome is worth the journey".
Given the known closeness of the Pope Emeritus and Cardinal Meisner, it is not impossible that Cardinal Woelki is, at least, one of the preferred candidates of the Pope Emeritus. The Pope Emeritus, given the grounds for his renunciation would put a premium on youth and vigour. Unfortunately, despite the Mass above, Cardinal Woelki appears to be a liberal dressed in conservative clothing, a type which have brought the Church low since the Council. See especially the equation of homosexual and heterosexual relationships, provided they are loving. See also here.
A long Papacy by Cardinal Woelki would have, from the viewpoint of the Pope Emeritus, the advantage of establishing the reception of Vatican II by the Church, to which he has such a deep emotional commitment as he was there. Indeed, he was responsible for much of the mischief, as a speech he wrote for Cardinal Frings was a turning point of the Council, breaking the power of the Curia. The Pope has even gone as far to use the acceptance of this single Council, over against all the others, as a litmus test of orthodoxy in his dealings with the SSPX.
Circumstantial evidence for this is provided also by the timing. Another few months and Cardinal Meisner would no longer be a Cardinal Elector and would have diminishing influence on a future Conclave with every month that passed, especially if he himself departs from Cologne.
One thing for sure, Cardinal Woelki is not going to be Cardinal Bertone's candidate after Cardinal Meisner's recent outburst in which he declared that he begged the Pope to sack Cardinal Bertone.
If this comes to pass, the Rhine will indeed have flowed into the Tiber and will do so for a very long time to come. Indeed, dear God protect your Church if you want to make Cardinal Meisner's candidate Pope