Erotic Church Service- More Sex for the Vicar

Not content with stealing the Church of the Carthusians at the reformation, the protestants now use it as a practice area for orgies in theory.
Erotic service celebrates sexuality at Protestant Church Congress
Sex and church have little to do with each other. Not so, thought the organisers of the Protestant Church Congress - and invited people to an erotic service under the motto "In the vineyard of love". The church had to be closed due to overcrowding.
Cologne - About a thousand people had waited in front of the Carthusian Church in Cologne's Südstadt, only 400 found a place in the place of worship - the rest had to stay outside. Barefoot or in socks, the faithful entered the room - "Welcome to the vineyard of love" was written at the entrance. Armin Beuscher preached about sexuality and eroticism during this service. "Eroticism and lust are not restricted areas separated from God. Lust wants to be lived out," the pastor said. He conceded that "today in the service, of course, one is only able to do this to a limited extent", but then called on the visitors to participate in an anointing ritual and to massage the forehead and hands of the person sitting next to them. People should realise that "both spirituality and eroticism live from practice." The service also included artistic performances, with a dancer lolling around the church hall.
The Kirchentag, a five-day celebration of faith, was held under the theme "Alive and Strong and Sharper". Around 110,000 permanent participants had registered for the gathering, plus several tens of thousands of day participants. In addition to numerous church representatives, Nobel Peace Prize laureates Desmond Tutu and Muhammad Yunus, German President Horst Köhler and almost the entire German cabinet, including Chancellor Angela Merkel, came to Cologne. However, they did not take part in the erotic service.
More sex for the Vicar
A female dancer dances in a skin coloured stocking in the middle of the church in front of the altar. She crawls about on the floor and wraps herself in a hanging down white cloth.
Is this a blasphemous provocation, a scoffing at the Christian religion?
No it is only one of the items on the agenda of the Protestant Church Assembly. The six hundred year old church, the Church of the Carthusians in the south of Cologne has become the stage for an erotic church service. Nearly one thousand interested people waited outside the door of the former monastery, despite a thunderstorm- but in the end there was only room for four hundred people.
For those who managed to get in, they had to take off their shoes on a white painted church interior. Above the entrance, there was the caption, “a warm welcome to the Vineyard of Love”. The space between the benches had been overlaid with velvet and from the ceiling wine and rose leaves were strewn onto the spectators. A man came to the microphone and announced, This is an erotic church service, can you move a bit closer together, all of you. This was followed by saxophone music and dance. The vicar arrived in a black cassock and barefoot. He announced that eroticism and lust are not taboo areas pushed aside by God. In fact, "lust has to be lived out", said Armin Beuscher, who tempered his speech immediately, by saying, “we are of course today in this service only able to implement this in a limited manner”. He talks about his family doctor who once surprised him with the question, “Do you pray with your wife regularly and do you make love regularly?” He was at first embarrassed and later became conscious of the deep meaning in this question, that both spirituality and eroticism are nourished by repetition. It is therefore certainly part of life which has been shown in the TV series “O God, Vicar” when he immediately after sleeping with a woman then went to a funeral. The speech at the grave, immediately thereafter came under the motto of the Church Assembly, “Lively, Powerful and more Spicy”. Beuscher’s conclusion was therefore “ perhaps we clergy should go more often to bed with our loved ones”
The faithful were then asked to take part in an anointing ritual in which they should massage the forehead and hands of the person sitting next to them. Some go further and embrace each other whilst others kiss. The atmosphere gets more relaxed. This is how most church services should be said Birgit Kruger (59 years old) from near Hamburg and the Bavarian Gertrude Schirmer (72 years old) said “I found the anointment most beautiful”. Then they all said an Our Father together and then Vicar Beuscher admonishes the parish with the words “praise God with your body, your lust and tenderness”. Judging by the enthusiastic applause, the audience fully intend to do this.
Cathcon comments
Why did Cardinal Meisner invite those attending the Protestant Church Assembly to the great Cologne Cathedral where the relics of the Three Kings are kept? The protestant was allowed to preach but clearly later on in the service has other things on his mind. Let me guess!
You can have Catholic moral teaching or ecumenical relations but not both.
Stay away from the Protestant carnival - or one thing will lead to another.
The Protestants accused the Catholics of being decadent at the reformation but look what has happened now. Catholics are often accused of being sex obsessed- but just look at the accusers.
The current demonic campaign to re-interpret Christian standards has just been ramped up and those who are faithful to the Gospel and the Church that Christ founded are to be alerted to this outrage. Anyone who tries to distract or divert that message is, in effect, a willing agent of that campaign.