Vatican-holocaust denial totally unacceptable

According to the press spokesman, Fr Lombardi. Report on Radio Vatican. Rest of the article contains nothing new. He also says "This is all about another process"

The Chairman of the Catholic Bishops Conference in Germany has welcomed the move, doubtless through gritted if not grinding teeth.

He says the Pope has extended a hand to the Society of St Pius X and he hopes they accept it back.


"The Pope shows the possibility of return to full communion with the Catholic Church and also without doubt that the decisions of the Second Vatican Council are an indispensable basis for the life of the Church."

Cathcon-correction the indispensable bases are rather Scripture, Tradition and Magisterium.

Archbishop of Paris also welcomes the move. Considering the whole episode started under pressure from the French this is big news.

"I am delighted. This is an opportunity, a door open to allow Christians to find the fullness of communion with the Church. As long as they want or they accept it. It is a gesture of mercy and a gesture of openness to strengthen the unity of the Church."

Pope is taking a hugh risk, according to Holy Smoke.

The International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism based in Paris said even before today that this would be "hugh step backward" for the Church.

Up until a few days ago, the official Catholic news agency in Austria put inverted commas around the title of bishop when referring to the four bishops. They have now stopped this practice!


Unknown said…
"Holocaust Denial?" When I heard about this law and that people actually go to jail, I thought this is right out of Orwell's "1084." Where is freedom of Speech? Lets talk about all holocausts in history especially the Russian Holocaust which wiped out the entire Catholic Church in Russia and Eastern Europe: 40 to 80 million. Then there is the French Revolution Holocaust and especially in "Ven Dee" and Trumans "Hiroshima" and the Turks and why do we only hear about the Jewish Holocaust and now a Law to silence investigation? This will only cause people to wonder what are they afraid of? If it is true, the Jewish Holocaust, it should be able to survive close sc rutiny and public debate. If it is a lie, it will be exposed. Is that their fear? Robert