Ploughshare into sword with blessing of Bishop
My house shall be a house of prayer but you allowed it to be turned it into a ballistic missile research centre
India's first ballistic missile was built inside the St Mary's Catholic Church near Thumpa in southern Kerala state" !!
The bishop told the congregation: "My children, I have a famous scientist with me who wants our church and the place I live for the work of space science and research. Science seeks truth that enriches human life. The higher level of religion is spirituality. The spiritual preachers seek the help of the Almighty to bring peace to human minds. In short, what Vikram is doing and what I am doing are the same - both science and spirituality seek the Almighty's blessings for human prosperity in mind and body. Children, can we give them God's abode for a scientific mission?"
I was reminded of Cardinal Spellman who was once invited to a prayer breakfast by President Johnson, along with Billy Graham. LBJ asked both of them what he should do next in the Vietnam War. Graham was uncomfortably silent. Spellman unhesitatingly stated: “Bomb Them! Just bomb them!”