
Bishop behaves like Bishop- shock- horror

New Uses for Old Churches

Vatican to 'review' taking of Communion in the hand

Cardinal dismisses

Cardinal Kasper- Dialogue with Islam difficult

Top Catholic layman in Germany slammed down by Bishop

Enough Tridentine Mass Hysteria -

Church's man in the EU

Vice-Chairman of German Catholic Bishops' Conference fighting the will of the Pope

Me Transmitte Sursum, Caledoni - Part II

Rest Eternal Grant unto them

Welcome description

Me transmitte sursum, Caledoni!

Mother Angelica's Congregation returns to its first home in France

Archbishop Robert Zollitsch continues to divide Catholic parishes.

Stealth priestess leads the Corpus Christi Procession

Blasted heath Mass in Germany

Episcopal games must stop.

Where there is no vision the people perish

Martin Luther - a challenge for Catholics

Even though Benedict XVI will not be able to attend

German angst about celibacy

Lambeth Palace has no shame

Fault lines in German Catholicism III

Pope keeps European Parliament on tenterhooks

It has not pleased God to save Germany by disputation

German Catholic bishops go to war - with each other

Fraternity of St Vincent Ferrer

Pope Benedict advises religious orders

I was once accused of being hostile to the "principles" of the French Revolution

More Latin Masses everywhere- well almost everywhere!

Archbishop Zollitsch meets the Pope in Rome in March

Meet the new President of the European Association of Heads of Religious Orders

Archbishop Zollitsch preaches on the importance of football

Fault lines in German Catholicism II

What does Cardinal Lehmann mean by "guidelines"?

Youth Mass with Grill Following

Plenty of Balloons but no Cross

Regulating the quality and quantity of new saints

Islamic criticism and support

Fault lines in German Catholicism 1

Pseudo-clerical spiritual elites in Linz

Gay blessings? Simple cynicism in Vienna’s Cathedral

Nuntius in Austria celebrates Latin Mass for the 150th Anniversary of Lourdes

Catholic Political Party in Québec

Egypt: Applause for Rowan Williams

Europe is dreaming

There is great joy in heaven over the liberal that repents

My Lord and my God

Liberal Christianity is dying