
Understanding for the Jewish position from a theologian

Third encyclical from Pope in March?

Of your charity, pray for the repose of the soul

Good Friday intercessions - a long history

The Long and Boring Goodbye

Requiem for Cardinal Stickler

Goodnight Canterbury

National dress instead of priestly vestments

The Parochial Life of the Parisians

Latin Mass Society Responds

Cardinal Kasper’s statement on the Good Friday prayer

As shades lengthen for the Church of England

Archbishop to ordain priests

Goodnight Canterbury

Catholics pray for conversion of Jews


The glory of the Papacy shines

Lent begins

Pope’s Rewrite of Latin Prayer

Jewish regret


The eldest Daughter of the Church

God Hungry

Cathcon sees Red

Germany / Italy: Jews are disappointed

Roman documents- Suggestions rather than strict commands

Ash Wednesday

Artistic Ash Wednesday

Real Absence on High Altar

Training for imams at Catholic University

For stopping Muslim ‘insult’ to the cross

Immediate concern

Goodnight Canterbury

'Oremus et pro Iudaeis'

The Fractured Face of Carmel

Official text of the changes to the Good Friday Prayer

New Good Friday prayer for the Jews published

Socialist No. 2 says nothing will be the same

Archbishop Marini on the Latin Mass

One of Britain’s leading theologians

Puppet and Mass

The day will come

Carnival visitors no longer welcome

Catholics becoming a minority in Austria

No-one can seriously suggest

Feast of St Gilbert of Sempringham