
Father Rupnik under no constraint under the Pope's windows

Masses at the opening of the Second Vatican Council

Father Rupnik is still today concelebrating Mass in Rome, despite all the allegations of abuse and restrictions

Synodal games seek to bully Bishops into public submission

Protestant theologian enthuses about Pope, diminishes humanity

Feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas

Papal homilist urges radical changes in Church

Latin Mass in Kyiv under threat

Church is moving towards the ordination of women according to prominent Viennese cleric

Head of German Catholic laity attacks Vatican

Leading Synodalist perpetually on brink of leaving Church

Reign of terror in Rome bringing sadness to the Holy City

Cardinal Kasper on the great crisis in the Church and the delusions of the Synodal Path

Cardinal wants to change Church's moral teaching

Reputation of progressive German Cardinal crashes and burns over abuse cover-up