
Let my people go! The Biblical reality of the modern age

Latin Mass for the Feast of the Annunciation

Rainbow pastoral care: Freising is pilot location for "queer church" project of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising

Bishop responsible to large degree for Synodal Path chaos in Germany resigns

Cases against Pope Benedict and Cardinal Wetter dropped

Leading Synodalist bishop resigns, alleged to have protected sexual abuse perpetrators

Pictures that say a thousand words about the Second Vatican Council

Cardinal Müller resumes attack on German bishops

Modernist theologian says Pope thinks Synodality is a Jesuitical game and is playing with fire, as many are threatening leave if disappointed

Feast of Saint Gabriel, Vigil of the Annunciation

Roman twilight - the unbreathable atmosphere at the end of Pope Francis' Pontificate.

Second Vatican Council turned the bishops into "absolutist princes"

No more snooping into the private lives of religious education teachers

Secular authorities influencing episcopal appointment in Cologne

Sources deny Archbishop Gänswein is going to Costa Rica as Nuntius