
But the Latin Mass is banned. Rome becomes a circus in 2020

Radical priest encouraged rolling of one joint after another during Mass, claimed God was an atheist

Synodality is fashionable, except for traditionalists, who are only entitled to suffer in silence

Abomination of desolation standing in the holy place

There is something rotten in the state of Rome. A brilliant interview on just how completely rotten.

Synodal Path on the Path to Nowhere

Feast of Saint Peter Damian

Hideous altar junked after storm of worldwide protest

The Bishop is a transparent modernist

Perverse image of Passion as Lenten Hanging

Pig's heart and guns on display church

Precious reliquary stolen

No need to panic....did Cardinal Roche meet his Waterloo?

Four Synodal Path delegates declare enough is enough

Investigative journalists criticised in Pope Benedict case