
Showing posts with the label German Bishops Conference

An aggressive modernist accuses his opponents of being agressive

Modernist model of a post-clerical church

Is the Synodal Path following the special path followed by "German Christians" of Nazi times?

German Synod Meeting

Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops supports German Synodal Path

Polish bishops sharply criticised the Synodal Path in Germany

German Bishops' Conference gives prize to anti-church propaganda

Nobel Prize-nominated Bishop protected abusers and was an abuser himself

German bishops accuse press of irresponsibility for making sexual abuse report public

Report finds massive, previously unreported abuse and cover-up- in German Catholic Church- recommends ordaining homosexuals.

Bishops take on political right-wing

Cardinal Müller criticises national episcopal conferences on Amoris Laetitia

Cardinal: Bishops could also enter into dialogue with the German right

Cardinal: God has also become a "great unknown" in the Church

Support for more religion, less politics in inter-religious dialogue in Germany

What is wrong with these German bishops?

Cardinal Meisner defends his support of the "morning-after" pill

German Bishops' ruling on the morning after pill based on scientific myth

Cardinal supports female deacons

"Morning-after pill" - statement of German Bishops Conference in English