Music specially commissioned to celebrate 60 years of liturgical reform leaves congregation dumbfounded and not a little frightened. The "I am There" Mass.

The Blessing at the end of the Mass which shows its full effect on the victims.

 For the anniversary "60 years of liturgical reform" in 2023, Graz Cathedral Music and the Diocesan liturgy department have commissioned new compositions for the church service. The result is the mass "Ich bin da". What is special about these compositions is the new combination of music, text and, in some cases, new ritual acts. This linking of music, text and ritual action can lead to a "new experience" of the service and at the same time emphasises the "participatio actuosa", the "active participation" promoted by the Second Vatican Council, which is a basic melody of the liturgical reform.

Cathcon:  Active fear not active participation

The rest of the Mass Kyrie
Greeting of the Word of God


Preparation of the Gifts

