Synodalists organising event celebrating vile abnegation of priesthood, taking lead from the anticlericalist rhetoric of the Pope

“Catholic Equality Alliance” launches campaign against clericalism

The reform movement “Catholic Equality Alliance” wants to send a clear signal against clericalism and calls on pastors to take off their liturgical vestments during a service. The symbolic act is intended to promote conversations, but also to show the struggle for an equal church.

“The abuse study has painfully brought into the spotlight what has been on the table for a long time: clericalism,” says a press release from the reform movement “Catholic Equality Alliance”. The church's two-caste system of "highly worthy and less worthy people" has devastating effects.

Sign of protest

In order to send a clear signal against this “degrading system”, the “Alliance Equivalent Catholic” is now calling on pastors to take off their liturgical vestments during a service. This is supposed to take place in the days around All Saints Day.

Taking off the liturgical vestment is a sign of protest against inequality and a stand up for a church of equal worth, the press release continues. The symbolic act is intended to promote conversations, but also to show the struggle for an equal church.

The core team of the Catholic Equality Alliance in Olten.

During the campaign, the vestments that have been removed should remain visible in the church interior. Hanging on a coat stand, for example. There will also be a declaration that all participating pastors will sign. “The modalities of the campaign – timing, duration, accompanying declaration, further actions – are determined by the participating parishes themselves,” writes the reform movement.

“This campaign is about all the pastors who – fundamentally and due to the situation surrounding the abuse study – have trouble putting on the robe,” says managing director Mentari Baumann when asked by

Mentari Baumann wants to fight for change within the church.

If as many people as possible take part, it will be an important signal against clericalism, says Baumann. It also shows how many pastors struggle with this system, but despite everything they don't want to stop being there for the people and the community.

The internal call for this action went out to members only yesterday evening. “This hasn’t resulted in any commitments yet,” says Baumann. “But we received feedback that some people wanted to discuss it in the team.” The reform movement wants the pastors to discuss the campaign well in their teams in order to decide whether and how they want to participate.

Material on website

Examples of text and a template for an explanation of the campaign are available for download from the “Catholic Equality Alliance”. The reform movement also takes on overarching media work, networks the participants and offers support and accompaniment. After the campaign, photos of the campaign can also be published on their website.


Call to action: We cast off the garb of clericalism

In order to send a clear signal against clericalism, the Catholic Equality Alliance pastors are calling on pastors to remove their liturgical vestments during a service in the days surrounding All Saints' Day.

The abuse study has painfully brought into the spotlight what has been on the table for a long time: clericalism, the church's two-caste system of worthy and less worthy people, is having devastating effects. In order to send a clear signal against this degrading system, the Alliance Equitable Catholic pastors are calling on pastors to take off their liturgical vestments during a service in the days surrounding All Saints Day.

Taking off the liturgical vestment is a sign of protest against inequality and a stand up for an equal church. This symbolic act aims to promote conversations and the struggle for an equal church and liturgy in the parishes.

How does the campaign work?

The vestments that have been removed remain visible in the church (e.g. on a coat rack), together with a declaration signed by all participating pastors.

The modalities of the campaign – timing, duration, accompanying explanation, further actions – are determined by the participating parishes themselves. The Catholic Equality Alliance provides a template for a declaration of the action, takes over the overarching media work, networks the participants and offers support and accompaniment. Photos of the campaign will be published on

What participating pastors/parishes are doing locally

Adapt “We’re going away” in the team and in the committees to local circumstances.

Local media work and information in the parish.

Inform the Catholic Equality Alliance and send photos of the “laying aside”.

Have conversations locally about being an equal church

Suggested text for the explanation of the action

We cast off the garb of clericalism

and the associated thought patterns

above and below

worthy and unworthy

holy and unholy.

We want to show and live equality.

We are there, listening, taking responsibility,

share word, bread and blessing.

Cathcon:  The Pope should stop his evil anticlericalist rhetoric, taken from the mouths of atheistic socialists, before he becomes complicit in the destruction of the priesthood.
