Mysterious underground "mafia of conservative forces in the Church" accused on blocking theologian's appointment

 "Mafia-like networking"

Tyrol's own Mrs Clinton "Vast right-wing conspiracy"

Why Georg Oberrauch, chairman of the Catholic Men's Movement, is convinced that a local underground movement is responsible for Martin Lintner not becoming dean of the PTH in Brixen. 

Tageszeitung: Mr Oberrauch, after the Vatican refused to appoint Martin Lintner to the position of dean at the Philosophical-Theological University, the Catholic Forum vehemently criticised this decision. Do you stand behind this statement?

Georg Oberrauch: The Catholic Forum is our overarching umbrella organisation and has said everything that is close to our hearts. We are very grateful to the Forum for bringing this forward so clearly. We also asked to stay on the subject without scandalising.

So you criticise the decision as well?

On the one hand, the decision shows that there are manifestations of power from the Church that have nothing to do with the Good News of Jesus, but on the other hand, it also shows the weakness of the Church, which says it stands by diversity, but cuts off such a noble person as Martin Lintner. 

I have the feeling that there is a mafia of conservative forces in the Church who try to maintain their power by any means. 

What Martin Lintner did was nothing more than a timid attempt to interpret sexual morality on the level of the Good News of Jesus in the present day. In this respect, it is scandalous and sad that such a decision has been taken. Martin Lintner is a thoughtful and highly intelligent pastor and scholar who is held in high esteem in the diocese and would deserve more. With such actions, one of our noble priests is treated in a way that, in my view, has nothing to do with Christianity.

The Catholic Forum has expressed suspicion that local whisperers were responsible for the no vote from Rome. You too are making insinuations in this direction....

The bad thing is that there are underground movements that do not have the courage to hold a public debate. 

Cathcon:  It would not take much courage to debate this nonsense nor to put theologians back in their proper place in the Church.

But it is known that there are still some important people who like to stay underground and maintain mafia-like networks. For whatever reasons. This is not our world, but it is obviously a fact that forces are at work that are actually in the minority. I think it is a pity that the Bishop and Martin Lintner decided in unison not to file an appeal. Even if it is energy-sapping and takes a long time, it would keep the debate going, which is necessary. There needs to be a cleansing of it.

Who belongs to this underground movement in South Tyrol?

That is all speculative. I don't want to and can't say anything about that. The bishop won't say anything either, but he certainly has an overview, but he doesn't belong to it.

In view of such movements, which are obviously supported by the Vatican, can the Church still change in a sustainable way?

We fight and hope for it, because we believe in the Good News of Jesus and not in the power system of the Church, which certain forces are desperately trying to maintain. We try to make the decision-makers understand that this decision has to do with the Good News of Jesus. There are well-intentioned necessities involved that can be adhered to. But with such decisions, the church has lost the opportunity to authentically bring the Good News of Jesus to the fore. From my point of view, it is only about dark forces that have no legitimisation of the Good News of Jesus in mind. But there are different views. I understand that our thesis of standing by diversity also means that someone can read a Latin mass, for example. But the Church should not put a brake on the Good News of Jesus. But certain circles are trying to do so.

Martin Lintner is trying to push the Good News?

Martin Lintner is a lighthouse who tries to interpret the Good News of today into the future.

How strong do you estimate the conservative underground in South Tyrol?

It is a very small minority. I am in contact with many believers through my work, but the great majority finds it difficult to break through the system. There is a small group that abuses its contacts.


Cathcon: Beyond parody.  The arguments of people who have not got an argument.
