Vatican adviser says Pope opposes ban on blessing gay couples. Someone is lying.

Juan Carlos Cruz, the Chilean homosexual who in 2021 was appointed a member of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, has stated that the Pope is against the Doctrine of the Faith document banning the blessing of gay couples, and that he did not sign it.

This Pride Month (Sacred Heart Month for the rest of Catholicism) sees a conference of the Jesuit Father James Martin-sponsored group of LGTBI Catholics, Outreach, for which the Pope sent a loving handwritten letter. And at this conference, another Vatican advisor, the openly homosexual Juan Carlos Cruz, a member of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, has intervened to drop a real bombshell.

"The Pope was very hurt when the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith published a letter, which he did not sign, saying that gay couples cannot be blessed," he said. He added: You will have to take my word for it when I say that these people no longer work in the Doctrine of the Faith".

These statements raise very serious difficulties. For someone is lying here, and on no small matter.

Let us see. The letter in question is signed by Luis Ladaria, prefect of the (then) Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and the secretary, Archbishop Giacomo Morandi. Its final paragraphs proclaim:

"For the above reasons, the Church does not and cannot have the power to bless same-sex unions in the above sense."

"The Sovereign Pontiff Francis, in an audience granted to the undersigned Secretary of this Congregation, was informed and gave his authorisation to the publication of the above-mentioned Responsum ad dubium, with the attached explanatory note."

Who is lying? Was Francis deceived? If he was hurt by the 'responsum', why did he agree to its publication? If he was deceived, what problem did he have in denouncing it?

How long are we going to have this magisterium (in small letters) of one step to one side and another to the other, of appointments that contradict express policies and gestures that overturn proclamations?

