Will controversial Archbishop stay or will he go?

We were wondering about this the day before yesterday  (the latest issue of the newsletter of the diocese of Strasbourg includes an invitation signed by... Archbishop Luc Ravel, who resigned on 20 April. This letter was sent on 4 May, two weeks after Archbishop Ravel's resignation...) and a seminarian from the Diocese of Strasourg confirmed that it was not a communication error. Archbishop Ravel, the resigning Archbishop of Strasbourg, remains Archbishop until the publication of the acceptance of his resignation by the Republic in the Official Journal of the French Republic (Concordat provisions).

The Archbishop is a military man.  
The territory of the Archdiocese has been fought over in 1870, 1914-18 and 1939-45.  Now it is the centre of an ecclesiastical war.


Alsace under the Concordat (which no applies in the rest of France) gives power over the appointment and dismissal to the French President.  The Archbishop was always a big supporter of Macron who may yet attempt to save him...
