Today is Septuagesima Sunday), the name for the ninth Sunday before Easter, the third before Ash Wednesday. It was removed from the calendar by rash post-Conciliar liturgists.
On the Vigil of today the Alleluia is buried either in the altar which is the grave of Christ or at an outside location.
Alleluia, dulce carmen Vox perennis gaudii Alleluia, laus suavis Est choris caelestibus, Quod canunt Dei manentes In domo per saecula.
Alleluia, laeta mater Cóncinis, Jerúsalem, Allelúia, vox tuórum Civium gaudentium: Exsules nos flere cogunt Babylónis flúmina.
Alleluia, non merémur Nunc perenne psállere, Allelúia nos reátus Cogit intermíttere; Tempus instat quo peracta Lugeámus crímina.
Unde laudando precámur Te, beáta Trínitas, Ut tuum nobis vidére Pascha des in æthere Quo tibi læte canámus Allelúia pérpetim. Amen.
O Alleluia, song of gladness, Voice of joy that cannot die; Alleluia is the anthem ever dear to choirs on high; In the house of God abiding thus they sing eternally.
Alleluia thou resoundest, True Jerusalem and free; Alleluia, joyful mother, All thy children sing with thee; But by Babylon’s sad waters mourning exiles now are we.
Alleluia we deserve not here to chant forevermore; Alleluia our transgressions make us for a while give o’er; For the holy time is coming bidding us our sins deplore.
Therefore in our hymns we pray Thee, grant us, blessèd Trinity, At the last to keep Thine Easter in our home beyond the sky; There to Thee forever singing Allelúia joyfully. Amen.
Going out about the third hour, he saw others standing
in the market-place idle. And he said to them : Go
you also into my vineyard and I will give you what shall
be just. Matt. xx. 3. In these words we may notice four things : i. The goodness of the Lord, going out, that
is, for his people s salvation. For that Christ
should go out to lead men into the vineyard of
justice was indeed an act of infinite goodness.
Our Lord is five times said to have gone out. He went out in the beginning of the world, as a sower, to sow his creatures, The sower went out to sow his seed. Then in his nativity to enlighten the
world, Until her just one come forth as brightness (Isa.
Ixii. i). In his Passion to save his own from the
power of the devil and from all evil, My just one is near at hand, my saviour is gone forth (Isa. li. 5). He goes out like the father of a family, caring for his
children and his goods. The kingdom of heaven is like
to an householder who went out early in the morning to hire labourers into his vineyard (Matt. xx. i.). Finally he goes out to judgment, to make moststrict enquiry after the wicked, like some overseer,
to beat down rebels, like some mighty fighter, and,
like a judge, to punish as they merit, criminals
and malefactors.
2. The foolishness of men. For nothing is more foolish than that in this present life, where men ought so to work that they may live eternally, men should live in idleness. He found them in the market
place idle. That market-place is this our present
life. For it is in the market-place
1 that men quarrel and buy and sell and so the market-place
stands for our life of every day, full of affairs, of
buying and selling and in which also the prospects
of grace and heavenly glory are sold in exchange
for good works.
These labourers were called idle because they
had already let slip a part of their life. And not
evil-doers alone are called idle but also those who do not do good. And as the idle never attain
their end, so will it be with these. The end of man is life eternal. He therefore who works in the
proper way will possess that life if he is not an idler.
It is great folly to live in idleness in this life;
because from idleness, as from an evil teacher, we learn evil knowledge; because through idleness
we come to lose the good that lasts for ever; because through the short idleness of this life we incur a labour that is eternal.
. The necessity of working in the vineyard of
the Lord. Go you also into my vineyard.
The vineyard into which the men are sent to
work is the life of goodness, in which there are
as many trees as there are virtues. We are to work in this vineyard in five ways : Planting in it good works and virtues ; rooting up and destroying
the thorns, that is, our vices ; cutting down the
superfluous branches, Every branch in me, that
beareth fruit, he will purge it, that it may bring forth more fruit (John xv. 2) ; keeping off the little foxes,
that is, the devils ; and guarding it from the thieves,
that is, keeping ourselves indifferent to the praise
and the blame of mankind.
4. The usefulness of labour. The wage of
those who labour in the vineyard is a penny that
outvalues thousands of silver crowns. And this
is what we are told in Holy Scripture, The peaceable
had a vineyard, every man bringeth for the fruit thereof a
thousand pieces of silver (Cant. viii. 1 1). The thousand crowns are the thousand joys of eternity, and these
are signified by the penny.
(Sermon for Septuagesima Sunday.)