Muslim groups demand Hagia Sophia be made a mosque on the anniversary of conquest

Istanbul: Neuer Streit um Hagia Sophia am Eroberungs-Jahrestag - Nachrichten Newsticker - News2 (AFP - Newsticker) - WELT ONLINE

Muslim groups call for conversion into mosque

To mark the anniversary of the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople in the 15th Century, Muslim groups have called for Turkey to open Hagia Sophia in Istanbul for worship again as a mosque . Several dozen Muslims performed their morning prayers on Tuesday pointedly before the closed gate of the cathedral in the center of Istanbul, as news channel CNN-Turk reported. They told the station that they were seeking a repeal of the ban on prayer in the building which was erected in 537.

Cathcon- seem to remember reading a report of Friday prayers having actually taken place inside the building.
