While Pope removes people's altars, others bless them

German report
With the solemn consecration of the altar and ambo by Archbishop Robert Zollitsch held yesterday, the two-year renovation of the Parish church of St. Johann celebrated its completion. The solemn ceremony took nearly three hours in the more than full house of God.
The first Holy Mass at the new altar of St. John was celebrated by Archbishop Robert Zollitsch: Among the concelebrants were Fathers Hans-Peter Fischer and Miklós Beer (left and right of the archbishop), the former chaplain Meinrad Donaueschinger hero and Otto Scheib (Second and third from right).
Donaueschingen (critical) Father Hans-Peter Fischer thanked the archbishop at the beginning of celebration, who despite the great burden of his duties as Chairman of the German Bishops' Conference found time for the inauguration of the House of God in Donaueschinger. In addition to the concelebrant's, there were also plenty of visitors from public life, such as the Patron of the Church, Prince Heinrich of Fürstenberg with the family. Professor Elmar Hillebrand, Cologne, and Annelies Kremer, Munich, the designers of the altar, were welcomed by Father Fischer (Cathcon- yes, you can get paid to design a concrete block).
In his homily Archbishop Zollitsch recalled that this was the end of the Year of St Paul and of the investigations at his tomb, which seem to confirm that it is the burial place of St Paul. God wrote this story, so to speak with people to confirm their faith, which does not depend on archaeological proofs.. "Christianity is not a cleverly crafted invention," said the archbishop, but the proof that God had become man. The priest in charge of the Donaueschingen parishes congratulated the Archbishop about the beautiful church, now decorated so brightly.
Cathcon: Archbishop literally turns his back on the fine altar behind, and, of course, also the Blessed Sacrament.