Linz liturgical desert

Brings the first sighting at the Church of St Francis, Braunau of a stealth priestess. She is the parish assistent. She, among many important tasks, runs the parish youth group called "the Crazies" where young people are not ministered to but are allowed to be themselves.

Meanwhile the cult of the twig spreads in Linz, this time to the Solar City Pastoral Centre. Yes, that's right, a new Diocesan centre opened in an environmental centre. Not too surprising, St Conrad's Church has a roof full of EU-funded solar panels. The cult has developed. The twig is now scary and in alien form.

And, needless to say that's the new Bishop of Linz.

And spot the Benedictine nun (!) that he is here commissioning to work as another pastoral assistent.

This is the priest of her new parish. The poster says "Share". One wonders how they will share responsibility. Who will be the boss?

Worst of all, he is now employing an "Expert in Pastoral Counselling". Doesn't the Diocese have any priests left?

She is stylish and elegant

and a financial supporter of the arch-heretical new German translation of the Bible.

This pastoral assistant in the Peace Church of Linz, Rebecca Mair, dressed in pseudo-liturgical dress read the Gospel and preached on December 3rd. The priest was too lazy and claimed that it was the will of the Bishop. Either he is being presumptious or I fear that he is speaking the truth.

Two years ago, in the same Church, the homosexual artist Keith Haring displayed his work, the Marriage of Heaven and Hell. What a title for a work of "art" in a Catholic Church. For his pains, the parish priest got a verbal handbagging from my wife, which he richly deserved. He clearly no longer knows the difference between good and evil. Strange in a town that produced Adolf Hitler.

And what a performance in Linz Cathedral! Modern art meets religion. An attempted synthesis. As if modern art can contribute anything to the divine.


William said…
Was ist die Bevorzugte Übersetzung der Bibel ins Deutsch für Katholiken? Ich habe eine billige Einheitsübersetzung, die ich sehr leicht Verständlich finde. Manche Seiten aber sind schon nach ein Paar Jahren ausgefallen und ich habe sowieso mein Zweifel, dass diese die beste Übersetzung für glaubende Christen ist. Eine Stunde suchen im Netz hat mir auch nicht weiter geholfen.

Hinweise auf andere gute Bücher in deutscher Sprache werden auch mit Dank angenommen.
(übrigens bin ich Amerikaner in den USA und habe so kaum gelegenheit solche Fragen "vor Ort" zu stellen)

Grüße aus Atlanta.


For non-german speakers, I'm looking for translations of the bible into german that are suitable for faithful catholics.
Crampon in French, Douai-Rheims in English, by preference, Old Vulgate. German, I have no idea. Anyone any ideas?
And needless to say avoid Luther's translation. My wife has written an article about its misleading translation which I will try to find and post.
Argent said…
For crying out loud. Keith Haring is so '80s.

So "Twiggy" spreads. Any chance of them splintering off into sub-groups?
Eric John said…
The Marriage between Heaven and Hell? WHAT??? Instead of a Cross. It doesn't appear that they're Christian any longer. ("And when you see the desolating sacrilege set up in the Holy Place, let the reader understand...")

And, I couldn't find the Benedictine nun in the picture. Is that like a Where's Waldo thing?
Middle of the picture!

Where's Waldo? for those that don't know. Could be Where's Walburga? for a Benedictine nun. Click on Benedictine below for more sins of this order. Tags coming for the other orders.
William said…
Ich habe bei dem Verlag der SSPX Deutschlands gefragt und mir würde die sogenannte Pattloch-Übersetzung empfohlen. Diese Übersetzung ist zwar aus dem 20ten Jahrhundert, also in der Zeit des zweifelnden Modernismus, aber frühere bzw. bessere katholische Übersetzungen im Deutschen gibt es offenbar nicht. Leider sind Bibeln in dieser Übersetzing kaum zu finden. Es wird nur gelegentlich eine "Kunstbibel" mit Bilder eines Kustlers (darunter solch Heilige wie Hundertwasser und Chagall) verlegt. Zur zeit ist die aktuelle ausgabe eine Dürer-Bibel. Ansonsten verbietet die katholische Bischofskonferenz Deutschlands den Nachdruck von Bibeln dieser Übersetzung damit 1) die aktuelle Einheitübersetzung keine Konkurrenz ausgeliefert wird und 2) die "traditionelle" Priesterorden (SSPX, FSSP, ICK. usw.) so viel wie möglich verhindert werden. Übrigens bin ich kein Anhänger der SSPX, Ich besuche sowohl Novus Ordo als auch FSSP Messen. Ich verstehe aber nicht, weshalb die SSPX Deutschlands eine alte Übersetzung nicht nachdrucken darf, obwohl es bestimmt eine Nachfrage dafür gibt.


To complete my earlier post, I have discovered that the preferred "traditional" translation of the bible into German is the so-called "Pattloch" translation from Hamp, Stenzel, and Kürzinger. Unfortunately, as I was informed by the german SSPX-publisher, the catholic bishops conference of germany does not permit the publication of this translation with the exception of a very few "coffee table" editions of the bible. This is apparently done to protect the currently approved "Unified" translation of the bible, and also to spite the traditional orders of priests, especially the SSPX. (By the way, I am no supporter of the SSPX, and have never visited an SSPX chapel, but it seemed reasonable to me to inquire their publisher about a good german bible.)

I might point out also that this same catholic bishops conference of germany produced a catechism in the 1980s that encourages the idea of an unpopulated hell, and casts doubt upon the virgin birth of Christ and upon His bodily resurrection.

I was fortunate, in my time in Germany, to just happen to live in a parish where the pastor showed true reverence in the Holy Mass. The parish was Novus Ordo (of course) but every sunday there was a sung high mass, and every other sunday it was in latin with gregorian chant. It followed, to my mind, exactly the intention and the true letter of Vatican II, rather than this nebulous "spirit of Vatican II", that admits every perversity. (