Tale of Two Cardinals
Carnival Cardinal Lehmann made an unwelcome return to Carnival tonight to hand over his previous 2005 "honour" to Friedrich Merz, a German politician.
Here he is making a speech dressed as a medieval knight's servant. Mr Merz arrived on stage dressed as a white knight. The devil (left) kept his distance this year.
The act that followed the Cardinal on the stage, to the sound of "We will rock you" and "Mud in your face".
The cardinal's audience was the creme of political life in Germany. NEW PICTURES HERE.
In contrast, the Belgian Cardinal Danneels addressed a prayer service seeking vocations to the priesthood. Strange; he closed a traditionally orientated seminary in Brussels. It was growing and clearly providing too much competion.
This was the Belgian Cardinal's audience. It is in preparation for this conference on evangelisation in November. Unbelievable! They don't want to resanctify but to "rehumanise" Brussels.
Cardinal Danneels who went to the last Papal election expecting to be Pope; or that is the impression he gave when interviewed in the English language newspaper in Brussels, "The Bulletin".