
Diocese of Linz officially participated in LINZPRIDE in 2022

Rainbow pastoral care in Austria

Feast of the Purification of Our Lady

Each of us must become a synod, says Sister Nathalie

New book on the legacy of Pope Benedict

Priest who did all the right things forced to resign

Feast of Saint Ignatius of Antioch

Poorly informed Pope criticised German church claims Bishop

Don Bosco's Dream of the Two Columns

Open defiance steers German Church towards schism

Feast of Saint John Bosco

Feast of Saint Hyacintha of Mariscotti

Vast Conservative conspiracy against Pope alleged

Cardinal Kasper: Opposition to Vatican leads to the brink of schism

Easter Dance in the ArtCultureChurch of All Saints in Frankfurt

Feast of Saint Francois de Sales

Europe, no longer Christian according to President of the French Bishops' Conference

"Foodporn" installed in Church for Lent