Sacrilege in Bogata. Woman gives Communion to her dog.

Woman feeds her pet with Eucharist during Mass

In Bogotá, Colombia, an event during a Mass has shocked the local religious community, after a woman shared a fragment of the Eucharist with her pet, according to Father Laureano Barón, parish priest of Santo Domingo Savio.

In Bogotá, Colombia, Father Laureano Barón, in charge of the Santo Domingo Savio parish, expressed his dismay over an incident that he described as sacrilege during a recent Mass. He reported that a woman, after receiving the Eucharist, returned to her place and shared a fragment with her pet, an act he considered extremely serious.

On Sunday, April 28, at the conclusion of Mass in the parish, Father Barón, who has been parish priest of the church for almost 2 years, shared with the faithful gathered the event, which caused him great regret: "I have to say something that hurts me. enormously (...) a few days ago one of our acolytes observed that a woman who went to take Communion with her pet when she arrived at the place where she was standing took out a piece of the host and gave it to her animal."

Likewise, he stressed that it was not only a sin, but also a sacrilege, and that the woman responsible for doing it should urgently confess, but not with him, since a priest cannot forgive an offence of that nature: she would have to confess with him. bishop, "because that is the most serious and sacrilegious act there is."

This is stipulated in the Code of Canon Law, particularly in numeral 1382 - § 1: "whoever throws consecrated species on the ground, or takes them away or retains them for a sacrilegious purpose, incurs latae sententiae excommunication reserved for the Apostolic See.", that is, the Vatican.

The priest also pointed out that in the Catholic Church it is completely permitted to receive Communion in the hand or in the mouth, as long as it is done with due respect and, if it is in the hand, "you have to consume it in front of the minister, not "You can take it anywhere."

He recalled other moments in which similar events occurred: "Sometimes a mother took out a little piece and gave it to the little boy who asked 'let me know, let's see how he knows that.' "It seems that we do not understand that we are facing the greatest miracle in the world and the most sacred thing we have.

Likewise, he mentions what is written in the Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum of the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments of the Vatican in numeral 92: "Although every faithful always has the right to choose whether he wishes to receive Holy Communion in the mouth, if the who is going to take communion wants to receive the Sacrament in his hand, in the places where the Conference of Bishops has allowed it, with the confirmation of the Apostolic See, the Sacred Host must be administered to him.

"However, special care must be taken to ensure that the communicant immediately consumes the host, in front of the minister, and that no one walks away with the Eucharistic species in hand. "If there is a danger of desecration, do not distribute Communion in the hand to the faithful," he concluded.


The Anglicans seem to think this is normal.  Some even take delight in the blasphemy- although it is unclear whether these were consecrated species


S said…

Go ahead, ask why there are sedeavacantists?. Well have the abuses of heretical V2 'communion in the hand' gone fare enough yet?