

Become alien in your faith

Aliens landed in Muskegon, Michigan in 1964

Feast of Pentecost

Church of the Infant Jesus

Pope overiding objections

Anniversary of the Death of St Augustine

Is Life Dying?

Procession of the Holy Blood in Bruges

Fraction in the New Rite

St Augustine's Church, Preston

Indian Style Passionist

Passionists in South America

Belgique et Chrétienté

Blogger's Choice Awards

Feast of the Translation of the Relics of St Dominic

Cathcon joins

Belgian Cardinal

Coming soon!

European Family Pride fight back

Intolerant "liberals"

Dare we hope that all are saved?

The Choice

Happy Sanctuaries?

European Family Pride

Wolves in sheep's clothing revisited

Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord

Video Message

Do the world a favour!

In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph

The Bishop

© 2007 Pope Benedict XVI

Our Lord's Most Precious Blood

Latest on German bishops and Tridentine Mass

Pope set to bring back Latin Mass

Holy Spirit Catholic Community Parish

New York, New York

Landvalues send Church crashing to the ground

Blessed Sacrament used as a prop

The Mass made in Heaven

The Church Decadent

Sir Martin Gilbert

As churches close

Diocese prepares to close churches