
Muslim call to prayer from Church in Mainz.

They claim this has belonged to tradition in Würzburg for many years!!! Do they really know no better?

If anyone says that the ceremonies, vestments, and outward signs which the Catholic Church uses in the celebration of masses, are incentives to impiety rather than stimulants to piety, let him be anathema.

Great book to overcome the theology of Cardinal Kasper and his kind

Worship space for nuns

Modernism- sworn enemy of beauty.

How not to do Eucharistic Adoration!

Full liturgical horror of a carnival Mass in Germany.

The Church in Austria has been doing this for years

To be in (modernist) limbo in the Jesuit church in Vienna

Papal visits- old style and new style

Following Cardinal Burke's Mass, Karlskirche to be desecrated

Cardinal Burke speaks out in Vienna

Cardinals line up to put Pope's favorite cardinal in his place- interview with Cardinal Kasper

Return of Cathcon

Flamenco Priest dances in Church

Buddhists encounter Cistercians

Modernist Christ in the Church of St Merry in Paris

Let's dance about the sanctuary for Pentecost

Liturgical abuse at Corpus Christi worse than Linz....

Ecclesiastical anarchy

Jazz Vespers

Linz has enough stealth priestesses for an army

Brazil to Win the Cup Chasuble

Pentecost rap in Cathedral

Circus horses in Catholic Cathedral

Eucharistic Congress before the barbarians arrived.

Pope still wears the Tiara

Secretary General of Synod of Bishops wants change in Church teaching on marriage

DEFCON 2- stealth priestess alert

Grotesque liturgical abuse at Benediction complete with applause

Linz- putting the Carnival into Catholicism

Apocryphal work of St Thomas Aquinas revealed by academics.

Many Happy Canonisations

Ding dong, the Franciscan way of life is dead

Wild Dance of the Franciscans in Salerno

Liturgical dancing to Gregorian Chant during Mass