
Fall of a high and mighty Jesuit

Extraordinary treatment of a layman by the Pope. Layman sues Bishop in civil court.

Sacrilege in Bogata. Woman gives Communion to her dog.

Leftist groups take over churches to organise multi-day lock-ins in support of Palestine

Modern artist dresses up as Virgin Mary and desecrates an altar.

Death of Saint Monica

Modernists make a mockery of the Church on the Day of the Stealth Priestess. Red Nose Day

Day of the Stealth Priestess

Monster Bishop protected by Pope. Full text of explosive document from 2019.

Vatican showcases art at Venice Biennale but does not mention Jesus. Pope visiting tomorrow.

After over a decade of Francis governance. Now top Jesuit expert says Church is exemplary in abuse prevention but weak in dealing with it

"The Colour of Love", the Art of Mercy by scandalous artist protected by Pope Francis

Beginning of the liturgical tsunami

Sources indicate Pope may have restored the Papal title, Patriarch of the West

Damning indictment of Francis by Benedict's biographer. Francis the Fork Tongued