
Synodalist Bishop made penitents strip during confessions

Tiny participation denies legitimacy to Synodal Process in France

Bishop neglects to celebrate the Annunciation but welcomes fashion models, cooks and Ramadan

Cardinal in court tomorrow- testimony eagerly awaited

Resignation of disgraced Bishop raises questions

The never-ending turmoil in the Beatitudes community

Conciliar New Spiritual Communities become scandal magnets

Disgraced bishop takes a ride on the Spacecar tour for peace, tolerance and a worth-living future. Surreal!

Allegation that Cardinal Woelki is being deliberately kept in post to block reform

Some people in the Catholic Church are still more equal than others when it comes to dealing with abuse

Let my people go! The Biblical reality of the modern age

Latin Mass for the Feast of the Annunciation

Rainbow pastoral care: Freising is pilot location for "queer church" project of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising

Bishop responsible to large degree for Synodal Path chaos in Germany resigns