
Feast of Our Lady of Loreto

Vigilate- Keep watch for the Lord's Coming

At the end of an unnecesscary journey

Spanish cardinal to head liturgy office

O Mary conceived without original sin, pray for those who have recourse to thee.

Thanks be to God, His Immaculate Mother and St Michael, Defender in the day of battle.

Sentimentalism of modernism

Ave Maria!

How not to celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Island's Holy Roman war

Police Protection Mass

Feast of St Nicholas

December-dedicated to the Immaculate Conception

Passionist closings

Fridays- dedicated to the Passion of Christ

The natural law matters- not personalism

Getting ready for female bishops

Feast of St Nicholas Tavelic

Covering up rape- all in a days work at an abortion clinic

Patriarch of All Russia, Alexy II dies

Latest Catholic video news!

The Immaculate Conception- devotion for December

Thursdays- devoted to the honour of the Blessed Sacrament

Feast of St Barbara

The rule of amateur theologians under threat

Marian Antiphon for Lent from Oxford Dominicans

Wednesdays- dedicated to the Honour of St Joseph

Novena to the Immaculate Conception

Feast of St Lucius, first Christian King of Britain

God forbid, St Dominic and St Thomas intercede for us!

The sanctity of Pope Pius XII in the face of evil