Passionist closings

only sadness and regrets here.

Thirty or 40 years ago there were 600 men who were Passionists, he said. Now there are 155. Their average age is 75.Thirty or 40 years ago there were 600 men who were Passionists, he said. Now there are 155. Their average age is 75.

Blessed Dominic Barberi said if the Passionists ever stopped wearing the habit and started wearing shoes, he would not pray for them when he attained heaven.


the Egyptian said…
The same happened here to the Precious Blood Sisters, their retreat house was built in the early 60's huge swiss chalet style building 1/4 mile off the road, there were festivals and fried chicken dinners and collections for years to pay it off, suddenly it became the last stop before the rest home, no one wanted to serve there, (about the same time the sisters stopped communal living and burnt their habits, and lost 2/3 of their membership by loss and attrition) now belongs to a local controlled nonprofit and it is a huge success, doing the things that the sisters came to loath.