
Is Protestantism a tragedy or a comedy

The Third Bishop

Communion in the Hand

Cardinal hits out at Archbishop of Canterbury

German Protestant Attack on Rowan Williams

Head of German Protestants attacks Rowan Williams

Shepherds fight it out before the gate of heaven

Parody of the Priest

Red Indian Dance around Altar at Carnival time

Goodnight to civilisation

Our Flexible Friend, Rowan Williams

Understanding for the Jewish position from a theologian

Third encyclical from Pope in March?

Of your charity, pray for the repose of the soul

Good Friday intercessions - a long history

The Long and Boring Goodbye

Requiem for Cardinal Stickler

Goodnight Canterbury

National dress instead of priestly vestments

The Parochial Life of the Parisians

Latin Mass Society Responds

Cardinal Kasper’s statement on the Good Friday prayer

As shades lengthen for the Church of England

Archbishop to ordain priests

Goodnight Canterbury

Catholics pray for conversion of Jews


The glory of the Papacy shines

Lent begins

Pope’s Rewrite of Latin Prayer

Jewish regret


The eldest Daughter of the Church