
Newly discovered correspondence allegedly incriminates Pope Benedict for cover-up of abuse

The Allegory of the Triumph of Divine Providence

Pope Francis turns the screw on traditionalists, disturbing even moderate Bishops

"More than just a golden bathtub": Limburg bishop polarises opinion with carnival costume

Cardinal Cupich twitters how loving and inclusive the Pope is on the day Pope takes further measures to destroy the Latin Mass.

Francis talks of mercy, acts without mercy.

Over-sized pullover covered High Altar and sofa placed in nave for Lent in Vienna

All-time top ten stories on this blog

Eve of Lent

The Barque of Peter after 10 years of Pope Francis

Vatican publishes Enabling Act for the destruction of the Latin Mass

Cardinal Roche given far too much power by Pope Francis

Camel attends Church for Carnival

Father TikTok mocks Mass and wants to rewrite the Catechism

Star Trek Altar....vain modernism rampant in ancient Church

Progressive Bishop disappointed with Pope and thinks Francis may be running out of time

Synodal Path threatens priesthood

The Modernist Agenda to destroy the Priesthood revealed

Saint Agnes gets a red nose for carnival

The Sacrifice of Isaac for Quinquagesima Sunday