
Italian abortion law is pillar of society says Francis-appointed Archbishop

President of the Pontifical Academy for Life, appointed by Pope, thinks abortion law is a pillar of Italian life

More than 500 victims of abuse in the Diocese of Trier

Catholic Bishop praises climate strikes and calls for sins against the environment to be confessed

The Sacrifice of each Mass identical with Calvary

St Augustine on the Death of His Mother

Mayor calls for resignation of Bishop and Cardinal

Reform-oriented and relatively young new Cardinals

Holy Spirit and Hierarchy confront Democracy and Synodality along Synodal Path

Cardinal withdraws application for injunction against canon lawyer

Cardinal wins injunction against BILD newspaper

Data from shredded list of abusers miraculously retrieved

Will the Pope name lay and female Cardinals?

Abuse victim from Bavaria sues Pope Emeritus Benedict

Convicted Bishop, friend of the Pope facilitated abuse of seminarian by priest

Convicted Bishop, friend of the Pope, still on the payroll

Church never helped victim of Pope's friend

Pope toying with ideas to change the priesthood

German diocese transferred convicted priests to hospital chaplaincies