
Good Shepherd Parish - Bad Liturgy

Biden worships at church JFK attended

TV room Mass

Albany Diocese to close 33 worship sites

Seventh Circle of Viennese Hell

True ecumenism

Daily video news

The Martini Plot

This is your Bishop speaking and here is the bad news

Polish priests raise gay flag in EU sponsored "art"

Did Vatican II demand "Hang up your altars"?

Ad multos annos, Georg Ratzinger, 85 today.

The Clown and the Cardinal

The Christ Child

I would demolish the Vatican

Chief Rabbi of Venice thinks Pope has cancelled fifty years of Church history

That well known liturgical orange

The dog comes to church as well

Cathcon takes an active dislike to Obama

Priest receives mitre for the day

I have had a nightmare

Latin Mass in Fatima

Chapter General is a Riot!

Karl Rahner's Mein Kampf

What a difference three years make!