
Showing posts with the label linz

Deans, take your partners please for the Linz Waltz

No Apostolic Visitation in Linz according to Austrian TV

Pope grants dispensation to Father Wagner

Bishop Schwarz trip to Rome- update

Bishop of Linz summoned to Rome

Fr Wagner- now the Honorary Citizenship is in doubt

Cardinal Schönborn spins

Linz Bishop let Father Wagner fall

Father Wagner signs official request to withdraw from nomination as Auxiliary Bishop in Linz

Father Wagner- a ringleader of his enemies speaks

Father Wagner explodes ecclesiastical bomb

Ecclesiastical bomb explodes in Linz

Liberal Catholics having nightmares in Austria

Austrian Church says Father Wagner's withdrawal official- but still no formal word.

Canon lawyer on status of Father Wagner

Father Wagner- will be stay or will he go?

The comeback of Father Wagner?

Father Wagner has not yet signed the letter asking for the nomination to be withdrawn

Fr Wagner's parishioners slam Bishop of Linz

How can I revoke my departure from the Catholic Church?