Pope will take his hatred of traditionalists to the grave. "Hope", his ironically titled hate-filled autobiography.
Pope Francis never holds back when it comes to criticizing "back-of-the-world" church representatives. But his current comments on liturgical traditionalism in his church could hardly be sharper.
Pope Francis has expressed sharp criticism of arch-conservative church representatives who continue to hold on to the so-called Old Mass. Pope Francis had severely restricted this service, which the priest celebrates in Latin and with his back to the congregation, among other things. In his autobiography "Hope", published on Tuesday, he justifies this controversial decision by saying that it is not beneficial if the liturgy becomes a question of ideology.
"It is strange, this fascination with the incomprehensible, with the mysterious sound, which often arouses the interest of younger generations," said the Pope. "And this rigid attitude is usually accompanied by precious, expensive garments, with embroidery, lace and stoles." This is not a joy in tradition, but a sheer display of clericalism, not a return to the sacred, but sectarian modernity, criticizes Francis.
Affection disorders and behavioral problems
"Sometimes these costumes conceal serious imbalance, affective disorders, behavioral problems or a personal malaise that can be exploited," writes the Pope. According to his own statement, he has had to deal with this problem in four cases during his time in office so far - three of them in Italy, one in Paraguay.
Cathcon: Utterly outrageous claim that there is something psychologically wrong with traditionalists. He will be demanding that they be medicated next. You don't have to be Freud to know that human beings often accuse others of their own failings.
These were always dioceses that had accepted candidates for the priesthood who had already been rejected by other seminaries. "There is usually something wrong with these candidates, something that drives them to hide their personality behind rigid and sectarian concepts," warns the Pope.
He describes the resistance within the Church to opening the sacraments to divorcees who have remarried and to blessing homosexuals as "hypocrisy." "Traditionalism, the insistence on 'backwardness' that resurfaces every century, is a sociologically interesting phenomenon, as it always refers to a supposedly perfect time, which is, however, different each time," writes the 88-year-old.
Cathcon: There is no changing the fixed mind of an 88 year old.