
Showing posts with the label Pope Benedict XVI

Two Popes pray together- video

Pope Benedict and Pope Francis- continuity or break

Pope Francis sends greetings to new Archbishop of Canterbury

Pope Francis: installation Liturgy like none we’ve seen!

Anticlerical struggle of Radical Left continues against Pope Francis

Reports that Pope compared traditional liturgy to a carnival and the Master of Ceremonies to be sacked very soon

Direct criticism of Pope Benedict from Cardinal

Subject of Pope's unfinished doctoral thesis

Pope Francis believes in the agressive use of military force

Wink of Pope Benedict towards Pope Francis

Is this the anti-Ratzinger Pope?

Hans Küng knows better than the Cardinals who should be Pope

"The Devil resides in the Vatican and you can see the consequences" -2010

One exemplary Pope on another exemplary Pope whose Feast we celebrate today

Vatican keeps Vatileaks journalist well away from Conclave

Will the charismatic sympathizing runner up to Ratzinger finally become Pope?

The Iron Cardinal among the Papabile

Pope Emeritus depending on your point of view

“Pope Emeritus” is not a licit title for Pope Benedict the Great Renunciator

Three secret Kingmakers in the Conclave and also a call to re-elect Pope Benedict.