Will the charismatic sympathizing runner up to Ratzinger finally become Pope?

As we approach the start of Conclave 2013, it’s instructive to take a look back on Conclave 2005 – especially given the possibility that a protagonist of that election could return as a papabile this time around.

The vote tallies in the 2005 conclave were leaked five months later in an anonymous cardinal’s diary, which formed the basis of an article published by the Italian journal Limes. The author, Lucio Brunelli, is a respected journalist who has covered the Vatican for decades, so his account – which has since been supported by others – deserves attention.

According to the diary, Cardinal Ratzinger led off the first ballot by obtaining 47 votes. Behind him were Argentine Cardinal Jorge Maria Bergoglio with 10 votes, Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini of Milan with 9 votes and a handful of other candidates with lower numbers.

Cardinal Bergoglio’s showing on the first ballot was a real surprise, and the next day his tally climbed to 35, compared to 65 for Cardinal Ratzinger. The third vote brought Cardinal Ratzinger to 72 (five shy of the needed two-thirds majority) and Cardinal Bergoglio to 40.

The cardinals took their lunch break at this crucial point

Full story

The Cardinal is a sympathiser of the charismatic movement- and a Jesuit. Fortunately no Jesuit ever became Pope.

How Cardinal Bergoglio celebrates Mass


Tancred said…
Would a Jesuit Pope cause the Papacy to achieve critical mass?
Geremia said…
According to his bio on Vatican.va, he's on the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments!

He's also an "Ordinary for Eastern-rite faithful in Argentina who lack an Ordinary of their own rite", so perhaps he could help with bringing the Orthodox back into the fold.