
Showing posts with the label Pope Benedict XVI

Pope invited to return to Bavaria

Cardinal Kasper against quick start to Conclave

Cardinal Danneels leaves for Rome, calls for Papal privy council and Curia reform

French Archbishop strongly criticises the Pope for renunciation of his office

Long-term associate of Pope attacks SSPX and calls for new Council

On the day he abdicated, Pope announced canonisation of 800 martyrs slaughtered for their Faith by Muslim troops

Will it be a round-trip for Cardinal Schönborn as he leaves for Rome?

Episcopate cleansed by Pope Benedict

It was not the media who hijacked the Second Vatican Council

Vatileaks dossier kept from Cardinals by Pope as they decide on his successor

Cardinals' pledge obedience at Papal inauguration restored

Feast of the Chair of St Peter

Homosexual network in Vatican organised sex parties and blackmailed senior members of the Curia

Did the Pope's discovery of an influential "gay lobby" in the Vatican lead to his abdication?

Foul play by the German bishops- "Morning after" pill: a fait accompli during the Sede Vacante

Pope lifts ultimatum on SSPX

How sick is Pope Benedict really?

Archbishop Gänswein reportedly says Cardinal Meisner's statement "not true"

SSPX given deadline by Head of CDF to submit by this Friday

Lord now lettest Thou Thy Vicar depart in peace