
Showing posts with the label Pope Benedict XVI

Alleged "Vatileaks" accomplice gives anonymous newspaper interview- more documents may be published

Is this Cardinal Meisner's and the former Pope's candidate for the Papacy?

What the next Papacy will mean for the SSPX

First pictures after abdication show Pope ....wearing a baseball cap.

Cardinal in interview- Conclave is like a visit to the dentist- clearly the shorter and more painless the better

More Cardinals demand more information about Vatileaks dossier

Vatican's chief investigator of sexual abuse admits it was like a 'tsunami'

Priest angry with Pope burns his photo during Mass

Cardinals set a big problem by the Pope Emeritus

The less than perfect Cardinal Archbishop Emeritus tells us who would be the Perfect Pope to succeed the Pope Emeritus

Day after Joseph Ratzinger renounces Papacy, Church begins Month Dedicated to St Joseph, Patron of the Church

Vatigate!- allegations of massive and systematic wire-tap authorised by Cardinal Bertone

Cardinal Pell becomes second Cardinal to criticise Pope's decision

Praise for Pope Benedict from Russian Orthodox Church

"We need a Pope who leads the Church into the future". Head of German Bishops Conference

Cardinal expects longer Papal election than 2005

Feast of the Repose of the Relics of St Augustine in Pavia

Final Papal Audience in Full- video

Georg Ratzinger interviewed about his brother's abdication

Pope Benedict's Pontificate in 2 minutes